Ben Nevis Climb 27th August 2016

So it is now decided the 3ot team will ascend Ben Nevis in just under a month on 27th August 2017.

This time around we know what accept after the very challenging climb of Snowdon last month. There will be five of us which is brings confidence for the climb.

I have been training both in the gym and outdoors trying to simulate, as much as possible, the terrain that we will have to overcome.

The round trip is approximately 16 KM (10 mi) and I want to be able to complete this in under 10 hours as the days are getting shorter. Sunrise in Scotland on 27th August is 0608 and sunset at 20:19 giving us a 14 hour window to complete the hike.

The plan is start early and be back by 17:00

---------------->Fast Forward to 26th August 2016--------------------------->

Our 6 member Team 3oT consisted of Jit Rawat, Ben Osi, Ausaf Rasheedi, Salmaan Armit, Nathan and Myself rendezvoused at my home @ 0900 and set off towards Scotland in our 7 seater at around 1000.

We arrived at the Ben Nevis Hotel after a 13 hour grueling drive from Croydon and immediately hit the sack. After a hearty breakfast at 0700 we drove to the base of Ben Nevis tourist trail and started our trek at 0845.

It was one heck of a hike up the winding rugged and rocky trails. The first 3 KM were not that taxing and we made good ground enjoying the awesome scenic and breathtaking views of Scottish Highlands but then the trail git steeper and rockier. We zigzagged up the spiraling trail resting every 1 km or so for 5 minutes or so. This was an energy sapping phases which we survived eating bananas, mars bars, drinking water, coke and red bull.

My legs started to stiffen badly about 75% of the way up, there was no turning back. I thought of the children for whom were were undertaking this mission and about 5.5 hours and 9km later we arrived at the summit of Ben Nevis - wow we had done it.

Walking down was very challenging with extremely stiff legs (I fell multiple times and was saved by the protective clothing I was wearing) and I wouldn't have made it if it weren't for Ben, Jit and Ausaf who physically supported me all the way down to the base. We made good time and were back down by 1815.

This experience and the support I have received has left me feeling full of hope and enthusiasm; I will continue to soldier on for this cause.

ScaFell Pike here I come.
