Snowdon Climb 25 June 2016

Two days to go Snowdon Peak Snowdonia National Park, Wales. Elevation 1085m above sea level, 11 KM hike to the top and back, via the Pyg Track, estimated to take 6 hours. The weather is supposed to be wet which adds to the difficulty for a novice like me.

24th June 00:07: A little under 30 hours to go, just went through the checklist of my gear it all seems to be there!

I will be accompanied by an old friend Alan Buckley on this mission. He has valuable experience in hiking and mountaineering so that just boosts my confidence.

26th June 22:00: This was the most challenging experience of my life but at the same time highly exhilarating and satisfying. The terrain was rugged, I fell a total of 14 times 2 of which were hard and painful. The toughest part of the mission was the descent in unfavorable stormy wet weather. The winds at the summit were most definitely 50-60 mph accompanied with buckets of rain mixed with hail. I got into trouble after falling twice whilst descending and was lucky to meet a group of hikers who helped me on the 6 hour descent. we arrived back at base @ 22:00 on 25th June 2016 - mission accomplished.

Next stop Ben Nevis - watch for updates
